- L - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.event.KeyCodes
Key: k
- LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LAYER_PROVOKING_VERTEX - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LAYER_PROVOKING_VERTEX - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LEFT - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LEFT - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- length() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Vector2f
calculates the magnitude of this vector.
- length() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Vector3f
calculates the magnitude of this vector.
- length() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Vector4f
calculates the magnitude of this vector.
- lengthSquared() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Vector2f
calculates the squared value of the magnitude
of the vector.
- lengthSquared() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Vector3f
calculates the squared value of the magnitude
of the vector.
- lengthSquared() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Vector4f
calculates the squared value of the
magnitude of the vector.
- LEQUAL - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LEQUAL - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LESS - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LESS - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LESS_THAN - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.event.KeyCodes
Key: <
- LightGray - Static variable in class org.synthclipse.core.math.ColorRGB
The color gray (.8,.8,.8).
- LightGray - Static variable in class org.synthclipse.core.math.ColorRGBA
The color gray (.8,.8,.8).
- Line - Class in org.synthclipse.scripting.geom
Line geometry with the following Vertex Attributes:
0 - Position (vec3)
1 - Color (vec3)
- Line(GL, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.synthclipse.scripting.geom.Line
- Line(GL, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.synthclipse.scripting.geom.Line
- Line(GL, Vector3f, Vector3f) - Constructor for class org.synthclipse.scripting.geom.Line
- LINE - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINE - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINE_LOOP - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINE_LOOP - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINE_SMOOTH - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINE_SMOOTH - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINE_SMOOTH_HINT - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINE_SMOOTH_HINT - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINE_STRIP - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINE_STRIP - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_ARB - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_ARB - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINE_WIDTH - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINE_WIDTH - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINE_WIDTH_RANGE - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINE_WIDTH_RANGE - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINEAR - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINEAR - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINES - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINES - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINES_ADJACENCY - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINES_ADJACENCY - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LINES_ADJACENCY_ARB - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINES_ADJACENCY_ARB - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- lineWidth(float) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- lineWidth(float) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- link() - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GLSLProgram
Links the program.
- LINK_STATUS - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LINK_STATUS - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- linkProgram(int) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- linkProgram(int) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- load(GL) - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLAbstractTextureUC
- load(GL) - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLMusicUC
- load(GL) - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLResourceUniformControl
- load(String) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.core.JSSynthclipse
Loads and executes a JavaScript file.
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLAbstractTextureUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLBufferUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLDepthmapUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLKeyboardUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLMusicUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLRotation2DMat2UC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLRotationMat3UC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLRotationMat4UC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.CheckBoxUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.ColorRgbaUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.ColorRgbUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.ComboBoxUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in interface org.synthclipse.core.uniform.IUniformControl
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderDoubleUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderFloatUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderIntUC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec2UC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec3UC
- loadAllDefaults() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec4UC
- loadDefaultMaxValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderDoubleUC
- loadDefaultMaxValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderFloatUC
- loadDefaultMaxValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderIntUC
- loadDefaultMaxValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec2UC
- loadDefaultMaxValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec3UC
- loadDefaultMaxValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec4UC
- loadDefaultMinValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderDoubleUC
- loadDefaultMinValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderFloatUC
- loadDefaultMinValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderIntUC
- loadDefaultMinValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec2UC
- loadDefaultMinValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec3UC
- loadDefaultMinValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec4UC
- loadDefaultStepSizeValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.ColorRgbaUC
- loadDefaultStepSizeValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.ColorRgbUC
- loadDefaultStepSizeValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderDoubleUC
- loadDefaultStepSizeValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderFloatUC
- loadDefaultStepSizeValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderIntUC
- loadDefaultStepSizeValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec2UC
- loadDefaultStepSizeValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec3UC
- loadDefaultStepSizeValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec4UC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLAbstractTextureUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLBufferUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLDepthmapUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLKeyboardUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.gl.uniform.GLMusicUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.CheckBoxUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.ColorRgbaUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.ColorRgbUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.ComboBoxUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderDoubleUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderFloatUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderIntUC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec2UC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec3UC
- loadDefaultValue() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.uniform.SliderVec4UC
- loadFragx(String) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.core.JSSynthclipse
Loads .fragx/.stoy
shader file.
- loadIdentity() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Matrix3f
sets this matrix to the identity matrix.
- loadIdentity() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Matrix4f
sets this matrix to the identity matrix, namely
all zeros with ones along the diagonal.
- loadIdentity() - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Quaternion
Sets this Quaternion to {0, 0, 0, 1}.
- loadPreset(String) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.core.JSFragxRenderer
Loads preset.
- loadPreset(String) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.core.JSSynthclipse
Loads preset.
- loadPreset(String) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GLSLProgram
Loads preset.
- loadTexture(String) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.core.JSSynthclipse
Loads texture file.
- LOCATION - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LOCATION - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LOCATION_INDEX - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LOCATION_INDEX - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- log(float) - Static method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.FastMath
Returns the log base E of a value.
- log(float, float) - Static method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.FastMath
Returns the logarithm of value with given base, calculated as log(value)/log(base),
so that pow(base, return)==value (contributed by vear)
- LOGIC_OP_MODE - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LOGIC_OP_MODE - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- logicOp(int) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- logicOp(int) - Method in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- lookAt(Vector3f, Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Matrix4f
- lookAt(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Quaternion
is a convienence method for auto-setting the
quaternion based on a direction and an up vector.
- lookAtDirection(Vector3f, Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class org.synthclipse.core.math.Matrix4f
- LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LOW_FLOAT - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LOW_FLOAT - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LOW_INT - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LOW_INT - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LOWER_LEFT - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LOWER_LEFT - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LUMINANCE - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LUMINANCE - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy
- LUMINANCE_ALPHA - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL3Proxy
- LUMINANCE_ALPHA - Variable in class org.synthclipse.scripting.gl.GL4Proxy